
Bert Garcia

IT veteran of 38 years, helping businesses and individuals discover the power of Open Source.


My interest lies in dynamic Web applications, specifically PHP based with the content stored in a MySQL database. I’ve contributed to various Open Source projects by working the user forums, building and maintaining community sites, beta testing, and writing user documentation.

Compaq Portable in 1984

These are the computers and devices that comprise our local network, and the mostly free software that resides on my taskbar. I listen to Radio Paradise for most of the day, MP3 albums the rest, my music profile is at last.fm.

Trek Fuel 70

When I began cycling as a form of exercise 30 years ago, my local bike shop’s slogan was Life Sport. Truth in a slogan, riding a bike has proven to be a great way to stay conditioned through my sit down at the keyboard career.

Stay young,
