Finally, completed all 300 levels in Angry Birds for Android.
Started playing during the holidays on my Nook Color, and tried to finish up a level or more every day. It was very addicting to say the least, and I’m not much of a gamer.
Next up is Angry Birds Rio and Seasons, but I think I’ll chill for a while and play other games for the tablet. Who’d of thought that the Nook would get me back to playing games, something I have no time for these days on my desktop computer.
The tablet is a real killer platform for games, since you can take it with you anywhere. Some nights I was playing till the wee hours while laying in bed, with my wife complaining about the light coming from the screen. Those nights I was on levels that I had a hard time getting past, they were the most entertaining and I had the hardest time putting the tablet down.
The Birdday Party World was by far the hardest, but by that time you have a good idea how each bird operates. Honestly, there were some levels in that last world that I thought I’d never complete, only by perseverance and sheer luck was I able to finish up.
I’m like a bird
I’ll only fly away
I don’t know where my soul is
I don’t know where my home is