Updated my Nook Color to CyanogenMod 7.2.0.
The Nook Color that I got during the holidays is still running great off the Sandisk 4GB SD card. Plans to put CM7 on the internal eMMC have stayed on the todo list, never can quite find the time.
CM7 version 7.2.0 was released as stable on June 15, 2012. Over the weekend I found the time to update the Nook Color, it turned out to be a rather painless operation.
CM7 version 7.1.0 to 7.2.0 update on SD card:
That’s it, the Nook Color will reboot and start the update process, which takes but a few minutes. After the update process is complete the Nook will power off, just press the power button and you’re booting into a faster CM7 version 7.2.0.
Where is my love life?
Where can it be?
There must be something wrong with the machinery