DreamHost moves me to a shiny new server in Ashburn, Virginia.
When I found out that DreamHost had web servers in Virginia, I immediately shot off an email to support. I informed them that since I resided in North Carolina, I would be most interested in moving my websites to their new East Coast data center.
That same day, my websites were moved from California to Virginia. I am now on a shiny new Debian Squeeze server, which has dual Opteron Quad Core processors, 32GB of memory, and my /home directory has 3.56 terabytes of elbow room. My websites are very responsive, it’s like I’m running them off my own internal server.
DreamHost has had it’s share of growing pains, yes we’ve had downtime here and there, but their support department keeps me a loyal customer. It’s not easy keeping hardware humming away and software behaving, I should know, I used to host my own websites for many years. Should one day I get a fat pipe into my house, I’m talking to you Time Warner, I’ll move my websites in-house again, till then DreamHost has my business.
Come on, come on down, sweet Virginia
Come on, honey child, I beg of you
Come on, come on down, you got it in ya
You got to scrape that shine right off your shoes