Today I downgraded from Debian Sid to Lenny.
For the last year, I’ve been running Sid, it’s been a lot of fun but with the server acting up, I figured I’d go back to a more stable Debian branch.
Lenny will be the next stable version of Debian, dubbed 5.0, due in stores after the holiday rush.
Following my steps, from when I last downgraded, Giga meet Etch:
Changed my /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb lenny main contrib non-free
deb-src lenny main contrib non-free
deb lenny/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src lenny/updates main contrib non-free
Did some apt pinning in /etc/apt/preferences:
Package: *
Pin: release a=testing
Pin-Priority: 1001
Then issued the commands:
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
14 upgraded, 4 new, 245 downgraded and 1 to remove.
I had a problem with djvulibre-desktop, it was causing the upgrade to crash, so I ended up having to remove libdjvulibre-text with dpkg -r.
Issued an apt-get -f install and the upgraded process picked up where it left off and finished soon after. Did another apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade just to be perfectly sure.
Rebooted into Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.
We’ve got to hug and rub-a-dub
We’ve got to dance and be in love
But what I really wanna know is
Are you gonna go my way?