
Guess I got what I deserved

After 5 seasons, I decided to watch Breaking Bad.

Walter White

The buzz for the show began around season 3, which by that time I was in the hole for about 20+ episodes. I was in a bit of a quandry, yeah the show was popular, but would it last to the end?

With so many shows being cancelled these days, dedicating my time would feel like a waste if Walter’s story ended prematurely. By the time the 4th season ended, I was itching but still waited.

The last 8 episodes of Season 5 hooked me in.

So I waited till after Sunday’s finale episode to start watching. No TV viewing or Internet surfing for this past week, so as to avoid spoilage, just Walter and Jesse occupying my undivided attention. 62 episodes in a week, finishing up at 6 this morning with Felina.

Commercial free, one episode after another, my TV viewing forever altered. From twisting a knob with limited numbers in front of a black and white, to couch remote flipping hundreds of channels, to clicking a mouse on a file on some remote server, I’ve come a long way.

Walter’s story came to end this past Sunday, a hell of a story, superbly written and incredibly acted. Kept me glued to the screen for hours on end, debating sleep over just one more episode fix. I bid farewell to Walter, and here’s to hoping that Jesse finds his inner peace.

Guess I got what I deserved
Kept you waiting there too long my love
All that time without a word
Didn’t know you’d think, that I’d forget, or I’d regret
The special love I had for you, my baby blue