
OPPO Digital

After 4 years of almost daily usage, my DV-981HD started having HDMI display issues.


So I fired off an email to OPPO Digital support telling them of the situation. A technician soon replied with a couple of things I could try, and informed me of the availability of an out of warranty repair service for my unit, for only $49.

Good thing I kept the original box the DVD player came in, I packed it up and sent it off to California for repair. A short week later, I eagerly greeted the FedEx employee at my door returning my player. The enclosed work order stated that they had to repair/replace the HDMI and power boards, a new lease on life for the OPPO I thought.

I have to admit that when I bought the DVD player, I had my reservations. The price was a bit high, compared to other players on the market, and I wondered how well it would play DivX encoded movies. Now I feel that the investment was well worth it, and in the last 4 years, I’ve come across very few AVIs that the OPPO didn’t render properly.

When everything is wrong, I’ll come talk to you
You make things alright when I’m feeling blue