
Paz sin Fronteras

Watched the live feed, over 5 hours of music to over a million Cubans.

Surfed from Univision, to Terra, finally settling on Yahoo Música.

Paz sin Fronteras

At the end of the show, when Juanes and the other musicians walked up the runway to bid farewell to the Cuban people, what I felt, as a Cuban, must of been felt by all of my compatriots no matter what side of the idealistic fence we happen to sit on. The youthful exuberance of the above photo, is just as representative of Miami as it is Havana, we are all one and the same, somos Cubanos al fin.

¡Al combate, corred, Bayameses!,
Que la patria os contempla orgullosa;
No temáis una muerte gloriosa,
Que morir por la patria es vivir.

En cadenas vivir es vivir
En afrenta y oprobio sumido,
Del clarín escuchad el sonido;
¡A las armas, valientes, corred!