
Winter into Summer

What happened to the nice weather?

Winter Summer

The slight warming trends that slowly defrost your body from the cold harsh Winter. The cooler breezes that start to bring relief from the heat of Summer. Spring and Fall have been a no-show the last couple of years.

My two favorite seasons are but a distant memory, afternoons with the laptop by the pond are no more. Either it’s too cold to type or beads of sweat drip on the keyboard.

This unsettling weather trend, I hope it’s just that, not the norm moving forward in time. Another year of this and I’m studying weather patterns to determine where to move to next.

One of the reasons I moved to Charlotte was to use less energy, but opening up a window is less frequent nowadays. Having to run the fireplace or air conditioner is not my idea of efficiency, it’s something you do on extreme days to regulate the house temperature.

Anomaly, that’s how the weather channel explains the situation.

All around, people looking half dead
Walking on the sidewalk, hotter than a match head